Michelle has been in the ward 1 year, 3 months.
Major: MA in Anthropolgy with a socio-cultural emphasis (not archeology!)
Working as a Teaching Assistant for Anthropology 101
Hobbies include reading, writing, watching movies and 24
Grew up in Brigham City, UT
Favorite dessert is impossible to decide, but probably in the cake category with some chocolate and raspberry in the mix
Music: Duncan Sheik, Glen Phillips, Jimmy eat world
Met her husband in bowling class. Played together a few times and then discovered they were in the same BYU ward a week or so later. She was dating another boy at the time, and had been over at Chris' apartment sharing her opinions about dating and being good friends first. Chris and his roommate planned a double date, but Michelle thought she was being asked out as a pity date. She was really sick the day of the date, but didn't want to canceled and send the impression that she didn't want to go. On the date, Chris thought she was having a miserable time, not knowing how sick she was. She decided she needed to invite him for dinner the next week to make sure he knew she was still interested. They hung out every day after that and were married a year and a half later.